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Lessons for Beginners:

General Advice:

Practicing Scales (Beginner Level) [Premium Access]

Progression of Scale Studies from Beginner to Intermediate:

Scales 1: Introduction for Beginners (A Major, D Major, and G Major) [Premium Access]

Scales 2: Using the 4th finger (B Major, E Major, A Major)


Lessons for Intermediate and Advanced Students:

General Advice:

Practicing Scales (Intermediate and Advanced Levels) [Premium Access]

Practicing Intonation [Premium Access]

Districts Festival Scale Requirements:

Northeastern District (MA) Junior Festival Scale Fingerings (2018/2019) [Premium Access]

Northeastern District (MA) Senior Festival Scale Fingerings (2018/2019) [Premium Access]

Important Skills and Practice Points for 3-Octave Scales:

Sound production and dynamics in scales


Pulse/Tempo and Bowing [Premium Access]

Shifting [Premium Access]

Correct arm and thumb position for scales