“Easiest Elementary Method for Beginners by Franz Wohlfahrt


Free Lessons: Click a video to watch the lesson

Premium Access: Members click a text link and the video will pop up



Parts of the Violin

Beginner Practice Advice

Taking Care of the Violin

Members: click the text links below and your “Premium Access” lessons will pop up! Not yet a member? Click here to sign-up! (First-time subscribers get 2-weeks free, so you can try the lessons and see if they work for you!)

How to Choose a Shoulder Rest and Chin Rest [Premium Access]

Finger Patterns [Premium Access]

Guitar Position

Plucking the OPen Strings

Plucking the Open Strings with Counting


Wohlfahrt Lesson 1 in Guitar Position [Premium Access]

Wohlfahrt Lesson 2 in Guitar Position [Premium Access]

Note: The next three “Bow Builder” lessons are borrowed from our “Essential Elements” page, but they are great little bow exercises, so we decided to include them here as a supplement! Please ignore the page numbers mentioned in these three lessons. (You don’t need any sheet music for these three lessons!)

Bow Builder 1 [Premium Access]

Bow Builder 2 [Premium Access]

Bow Builder 3 [Premium Access]

Shoulder Position

Finger Tap Exercise

Pizz in Shoulder Position

Pencil Bow Hold Exercise

Wohlfahrt Lesson 3

Wohlfahrt Lesson 4

2nd Finger of the E-String

Wohlfahrt Lesson 5

Wohlfahrt Lesson 7

1st and 2nd Fingers on the G-String

Straight Bow Exercise

Flexible Bow Change Exercise


The following lessons are for Premium Access members only

Members click a text link and the video will pop up


Wohlfahrt Lesson 8 [Premium Access]

Wohlfahrt Lesson 9 [Premium Access]

Wohlfahrt Lesson 10 [Premium Access]

Wohlfahrt Lesson 11 [Premium Access]

Wohlfahrt Lesson 12 [Premium Access]

3rd Finger on the E-string [Premium Access]

Wohlfahrt Lesson 13 [Premium Access]

3rd Finger on the A-string [Premium Access]

Wohlfahrt Lesson 14 [Premium Access]

Note: The next three “Bow Builder” lessons are borrowed from our “Essential Elements” page, but they are great little bow exercises, so we decided to include them here as a supplement! Please ignore the page numbers mentioned in these three lessons. (You don’t need any sheet music for these three lessons!)

Bow Builder 6 [Premium Access]

Bow Builder 7 [Premium Access]

Bow Builder 7b [Premium Access]

Next Lessons?

We hope to add more lessons from Wohlfahrt’s “Easiest elementary Method for Beginners” soon! We’re not sure yet how many videos will be uploaded in total, however, and here is no set schedule for uploading more lessons. You can continue with the PDF (click here to download the PDF) with your private teacher if you like the Wohlfahrt method. You can also explore other beginner lessons on this website, such as Essential Elements, Suzuki, and Kinsey - or click here to view the Beginner Guide for an overview of our beginner content.